We decided to shell out some dough and take a "luxury coach tour" to Windsor, Stonehenge, and Oxford.
It was pretty cool.
Our first stop was Windsor Castle.
Windsor was really nice...very beautiful...but I almost passed out there.
Definitely not fun.
My fault really, for depriving myself of more sleep and food before I long day.
But I got better...don't worry :) .
Next was Stonehenge. It's pretty cool there, even though its very blocked off. Well, by a short rope fence...but still.
Looks like Olaf or something...that's the Legends of the Hidden Temple.
Last was Oxford...Christchuch College is apparently the model for the dining room in the first Harry Potter movie...we didn't get to see it though. Still pretty...still fun. We wandered the streets around the other school as well.
Back to the grind tomorrow morning...boo.
Plus the paper.
But only 8 more working days and only 9 days until the paper has to be done!
I plan on having a ton of fun this coming weekend.
But hopefully I'll have some stuff to tell you during the week, as well!
Bye for now!!
Just so you know, miss...I'm pretty positive that sage of a stone on Legends of the Hidden Temple was named Omac or Olmec, not Olaf, har har har.
Either way, Stonehenge looks so creepily amazing...so odd that it was a prehistoric burial ground, of sorts, and later a Druid place of pilgrimage. Was there a heavy or mysterious air around...did you feel like a pagan whilst there...were you one with nature?
You lucky, lucky girl! Keep enjoying the sights and keep taking dem dere picturessss. I iz enjoyingzdem, wooo!
You've seriously made the most of your trip. I live in England and I haven't seen half the things in and around London that you have.
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