Wednesday, June 4, 2008

One more day...

I hated my internship today.
For starters, I hate getting up before 7 AM...HATE IT.
And then, there's the whole hour commute.
Let me say, though, that I was late getting to the train...and had to get to work about 15 minutes late.
Which is fine, because they kept me about 40 minutes later then they said...but it sucked anyway.
There's a British girl doing a week of "work experience" there as well, and the guy loves her. She gets the better computer and help with questions and I get stared at or ignored.
It's pretty annoying.
Or asked to do an interview and then have it not work and then seem like the stupid one...even though it wasn't my fault.
Really...its not all that bad. But I have nothing much to do, and when I need help, I don't get it.
I guess I need to be a petite blonde British chick to get attention there.
Not that I want it from any of them.
They are cool...but I don't want to come back here and work. It's just an experience, and a fun one at that. But whatever, I still can't wait for 3 PM tomorrow...I can ride the train home for the last time of the week and enjoy a 3 day weekend.

Eric, Drew, and Dave are in London, so we're probably going to meet up...I think it'll be soooo much fun! I'm sure they are jet lagged now, but I'd love to see some familiar faces, and both Dave and Drew contacted me about it. So let's hope we work something out!

Unfortunately, I haven't made many friends here.
Most of the people are...kinda lame.
I can't lie.
They either leave me in the tube or say y'all waaaaay too much.


I kid...I say this because my lovely friends (yes, I made friends!) are reading this now.

But anyway, I don't have much else to's to an exciting weekend!

Love you guys :)

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