Just a fair warning.
But the pictures and stories I am about to share with you excite me greatly!
So bear with me.
Yesterday was Lezlie's 21st, so we of course wanted to have some fun and celebrate the crap out of it. We didn't get out of the house 'til 4. The goal was to shop. The goal wasn't achieved, because Oxford Circus was just that...a circus. It made us all anxious and sick and we got outta there pretty quickly.
We went to Tesco to buy groceries and booze to make dinner and drinks.
We made fajitas. The spread was excellent...and the food came out just as good.
I was the messiest eater...kind of embarassing...but fajitas aren't always dainty.
Anyone who has seen me eat tacos at school knows this :) .
How beautiful? Soooo delicious!!!!
After we hoovered 3 fajitas a piece, we decided to start getting ready for the night. To save money, we bought liquor for the house to drink and then we'd go out, so all we'd have to worry about would be a cover charge.
It was pretty sloppy.
First off, Kay and I haven't been drinkin' much since we got here...our pockets be thin.
We went a little overboard...but it was tons of fun!
When we finally got out, we couldn't find a place to settle. Everyone did, but Kay and I decided to go off and get lost on the bus for about an hour. We were on the wrong bus to start. We literally got yelled at to get off because it made its last stop and we were so confused. And then I fell asleep during the other trip, but we landed right outside the house.
Seriously, though...it was.
Here are some pictures...
(If it ain't your thing, go past the pics...something even more intriguing awaits!)

So, needless to say, we had an exciting, rough, and crazy night.
Today was all about recuperating and then...GOING TO SEE THE WORLD NAKED BIKE RACE!!!!!!!!
That's right. Over 1000 people took off their skivvies and hopped on their bikes.
The basic gist is to protest oil and gas guzzling vehicles by bicycling (with a few rollerbladers here and there) around the city. NAKEDDDDDD!
We had to be disgusting and watch.
And now...YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!!!!
I don't want to offend anyone with frontal nudity.
It was such a cool thing, I must admit. These people were probably so chilly and uncomfortable to show their love for the environment. A lot of people were bare naked. But some people put body paint on, or wore a mask to cover their face, or wore flimsy underwear.
I even saw some booby tassles.
I loved it. They were so into it, so excited, and so passionate about the cause!
And all the voyeurs were out to watch!
Here's proof that I did actually see this all myself!
Tonight is going to be very relaxed. I might do laundry (probably not), snack up, maybe watch a movie, trade pictures...what-have-you.
Oh! And to cleanse your palate of all the pictures of me...I want to show you a picture of an authentic British meal I had...fish and chips with mushy peas!
I dipped the chips in mayo with vinegar and everything.
It was very delicious.
As usual, I miss you guys and think of you tons. I have ideas for souvenirs and I think you all will enjoy it.
I hope you're still reading...still curious.
I know its so hard to stay tuned, we all have our own lives.
But I can't wait to share the rest of my summer with everyone!
Love you guys!!!!
P.S. Counting the days 'til I get to see my aunt and sister!!!
1 comment:
Its a good thing you kept your hands close to ur body in that pic. Lord knows what you would accidentally touch...or not accidentally ;) I'm glad you had an authentic British meal...its only right, I wish I could be there to enjoy it with you, you know I would be making you try everything with me! I cant wait to see the souvenirs, they should be pretty good ones since you picking them out. I'll ttys, have fun and be safe!
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