I've been up since about 8...and it's almost 7 now! I just got in from all over.
But details about last night first.
We were given tickets by the school/program to see The 39 Steps, a play that kind of spoofs Hitchcock movies. It's 4 actors playing a bunch of roles, and they don't really hide the fact. I thought it was very engaging, we had amazing seats, and it was just nice to get out and see something entertaining instead of having to whip out money when I didn't really know what else to do.
The play was in Piccadilly Circus...so I finally got to see a familiar London spot.
After the play, we perused the area and grabbed some Ben and Jerry's, which was delicious.
I got to bed around 1, but my roommates, who I haven't been hanging out with much (They just aren't really like me), were up until 4 AM tippity tapping away on their computers...I woke up every hour...it was awful. Luckily I've made a trusty companion named Kay and Pilar has been pretty cool as well.
I need to start getting myself in these pictures...I don't want y'all thinking I'm Googling and copying and pasting! This weekend should be filled with tube traveling to landmarks and getting some genuine tourist pictures.
And this is kinda nerdy, but I really want to see Sex and the City! A bunch of us do, so we might scour the city for a cheap theater or a matinee...hope so!!!!
Tonight I'm finally hitting up a pub...taking it one step at a time. I only have money for pub hopping for now...clubs can come later...if at all. They have such expensive cover charges! But I do want to go to one eventually.
I like keeping a daily post but I'm hoping to be so busy this weekend with sight seeing that I won't want to come on and I'll upload a ton of cool pictures and stories on Sunday...can't guarantee that though, I suppose.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summers so far...again, I miss you! I see tons of things that remind me of each and every one of you :)
Bye for now, folks!
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